Tuesday, May 12, 2020

And Importance Of Colorado American Sign Language...

Research Topic: discover the relevancy and importance of Colorado American Sign Language Interpreters and Transliterators in education (ASLI/TiE) knowledge and use of Colorado Academic Standards (CAS) in their preparation for interpreting content in the classroom thus minimizing the potential for providing a non-meaning based interpretation that may contain errors. Problem Statement: Unprepared ASLI/TiE impact the depth of Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing (DHH) students critical thinking and learning required in content contained in the CAS. A large majority of Colorado ASLI/TiE provide communication and learning accessibility services to the DHH student population. It is widely known in the general practitioner interpreting communities that†¦show more content†¦Purpose of design: the purpose for this research project relates to my desire to educate ASL/TiE’s, Teachers of the Deaf, and other stakeholders in the education of DHH students of the impact the lack of knowledge, use and application of vital resources pertaining to CAS has on the interpretation of classroom content. Therefore, the purpose of the instructional design is to develop a three to five week online professional development course which investigates, analyzes, and discusses the CAS and the resources on the CDE website. From the research and survey done in 2015 I wish to increase ASL/TiE’s awareness, use, and application of the information and resources that pertain to CAS by 70%. As part of the survey I asked interpreters of their interest in learning more information related to academic standards to which a large percentage indicated they were. The research I believe will also require I find a way to assess the current state of affairs related to the standards, interpreters knowledge and level of preparation. Additionally is their current research on interpreting in the educational setting related to preparation, knowledge of the classroom goals and objectives, interpreter miscues, and other issues related to this group of professionals. Educational Goals: The curriculum of this course, based on my research findings, will integrate sound interpreting practices, cognitive learning development of DHH students and how the interpreters

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